Online shopping has all but replaced door-to-door sales and catalog deliveries in Texas and beyond. Most people have personal accounts or are at least familiar with Amazon, the world’s leading online shopping venue. Amazon’s success has made its owner the richest person in history; however, a now former employee of one of its warehouses says the company’s mistreatment of her after suffering workplace injuries has left her financially destitute and homeless.
The 49-year-old woman had been working at one of Amazon’s Texas fulfillment centers. She said she was excited when she got hired because she thought it was such a great opportunity. Her excitement turned into a sense of betrayal and anger when her employer reportedly failed to do right by her after she injured her back on the job.
The counting station where the woman worked was supposedly active without a needed piece of safety equipment. Because of this, she says she had to count the items coming through her station while standing in an awkward position, which led to her lower back injury. She returned to work after some time off and several medical visits but was placed at the same station where the same safety issue remained. She injured her back again.
Amazon purportedly had its company doctor drop the woman as a patient after she had been receiving workers’ compensation. She is now unable to work at all and says she refused to accept a buyout offer from her employer because she would have to sign a nondisclosure agreement that would prohibit her from telling others about her situation. She says she believes the world should know about her workplace injuries because she is not the only worker to endure mistreatment at various fulfillment centers in Texas and throughout the nation. Anyone facing such issues may reach out for legal support to explore possible solutions to their problems.