Negligence is one of the theories the law provides as a remedy for the effects of defective products on a person. Strict liability is the other theory provided under the personal injury statutes. Every personal injury case is unique, and either of these theories can...
Providing Legal Counsel And Guidance
Through The Recovery Process
Hazardous Products
It is within the law to file a product defect lawsuit
It is the responsibility of product manufacturers, distributors and retailers to ensure each product they handle and sell is safe for use by consumers. In situations where a product causes unforeseen injury to you, the law holds the parties mentioned above liable. For...
Understanding the product recall process
When news breaks that a product widely used in Houston has been recalled, it is easy for you to not get caught up in subsequent have of consumer panic. Many have come to us here at the Cole Law Firm in the wake of a recall convinced that they are facing inevitable...
What toys could be hazardous to my children?
While some hazardous toys are easily identifiable, others often fly under the radar. Some toys that seem relatively innocuous carry a significant risk to children, ranging from choking to broken bones. To ensure you can keep your kids safe, Real Simple provides this...
How do product warning labels help?
You have likely seen a warning label of a product you have bought in Texas. These warning labels are on almost everything these days. You may wonder why they are there and if they prevent people from getting injured. According to Harvard Business Review, the short...
Texas workers may be at risk because of a hazardous product
Landscaping is a thriving industries in many regions. Many Texas residents earn their livings on lawn maintenance crews. It is not uncommon for such workers to have to use weed killer sprays during the normal course of duty in the workplace. A former landscape worker...
Kids’ toys in Texas may be on 2018 hazardous product list
Every year, approximately 100 children's toys and products manufactured for use with babies are recalled. A hazardous product is any item that poses a safety or health risk to consumers. Such risks may be caused by poor product design, improper labeling or other...
LaCroix sparkling water company facing hazardous products claim
How does the Food and Drug Administration define the word, "natural?" Did LaCroix sparkling water company place hazardous products into the hands of consumers by falsely claiming that all of its ingredients are natural when, in fact, they are not? These are two of...
Were you injured by a hazardous product in Texas?
Many Texas workers and others are sometimes exposed to hazardous materials. This may occur during the normal course of duty in the workplace, at home, school or just about anywhere. Employers are obligated to provide proper training and safety equipment to help their...
A potentially tainted product causes a cereal recall
Last week, Kellogg’s Company recalled boxes of Honey Smacks cereal due to salmonella outbreak fears. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 73 people have the outbreak in 31 states. Twenty-four people are in hospitals. No one is...